Location: Somewhere on the Camino Finisterre, when you read this

but life is what we do, not where...

A brief update for you this week, as thanks to the miracles of scheduling technology, once you read this I SHOULD be about half way along my Walk the Walk challenge. 

That's 125km on foot in 3 days, from Santiago de Compostela to what the early pilgrims described as 'the edge of the world' - well, it was the edge of their known world, though ours is both bigger and smaller today.

I just hope I don't fall off...

Good news, yes, you can still sponsor me! I know that will be a big relief if you were worried you had missed it...

And even bigger relief to know I probably won't share that link again, other than to thank those who have supported me so far. It really is humbling and motivating, to know that I am helping raise money to support people at the worst time of their lives.

No podcast this week (just as well, as that would require levels of scheduling and planning which might be beyond my pre-Camino brain melt right now, and we continue season 2 with a fortnightly schedule,) but I did want to share something else I wrote recently that you might like.

This piece was for my buddies at Xolo, who support the Future is Freelance podcast, and I also write for them from time to time as well:

What I love about both kinds of creation is what appealed to me about writing this piece in particular: it's SO deeply aligned with what I think and feel and believe, about the future of work, and business, and life.

As a freelance creator it is the most amazing privilege when someone commissions you to write about the things you keep going on about anyway, when you get a brief which feels like some kind of mind-meld has occurred. Naturally this happens on some level most of the time, as it makes sense for people to hire you to write about themes in which you have in-depth knowledge and experience.

But when you get a total value fit as well, when you care about it, it's just... kind of magical.

I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did the researching and writing.

And when you read this, think of me being totally location-independent on a distant trail somewhere... Next week I’ll be able to catch up on work stuff, when I get back, while lying in bed if need be elevating painful swollen feet.

Most unusually for me, I am NOT taking the laptop with me this time.

Next week's podcast unpacks the present state of play on remote work and digital nomad visas... A fast-moving target, but I get to speak to someone who is right on top of it, and we dig in to everything you need to know. I know a lot of readers in Spain are eagerly awaiting news on the promised nomad visa here, and there still isn't any - visa or news! But when there is we will share it asap on the Remote Work Spain group, so please join up there if you're hungry for this information,

For now, best wishes, and see you next week,

Maya Middlemiss